Sherry Bonelli

Sherry Bonelli

Sherry is the former Local Search Evangelist at BrightLocal. She led BrightLocal's Research and Content programs and championed the needs of their SEO Agency and SMB customers. Having worked in digital marketing since 1998, Sherry has a Master’s Degree in Internet Marketing along with numerous digital marketing certifications.

Sherry has written 24 articles


Should SEOs Guarantee Their Work?

It’s an age-old question: Should SEOs guarantee the work they do for a client? With so many variables impacting search engine results (like Google algorithm updates, quality content, site structure, ...

August 11th, 2017
Yahoo: Does anybody care?

Yahoo! Does Anyone Care?

Google is always hitting the headlines with some sort of innovation, adaption, algorithm change or acquisition that has a rolling effect on the rest of the digital marketing and SEO ...

June 7th, 2017
How Do People Search for Local Businesses?

How Do People Search for Local Businesses?

The importance of local SEO is almost impossible to underestimate or undersell, especially with the advent of mobile search. BrightLocal’s extensive consumer research has shown that the majority of consumers search ...

March 8th, 2017