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BrightLocal for Brands

How brands and franchises become the number one choice in every location

4.8/5 Based on 1,000+ reviews on: G2, Capterra, and Trustpilot
Get a personalized demo No pushy sales reps. Speak with a brand expert today.
Used daily by marketers at leading national brands
Hilton 1 Logo
Sterlingsky Logo
Specsavers 1 Logo
Valvoline Logo
Iprospect Logo
Home Depot 2 Logo
Staylisted Logo
Krispy Kreme Logo
Wagamama Logo
Nandos Logo
Kumon Logo
Fitness First Logo
Halfords Logo
Smilesavvy Logo

Feel like you could be doing more to drive customers through the door?

Most brands come to us after finding themselves stuck in a cycle of paying huge annual fees for listings solutions that promise a lot but fail to deliver.

They end up sacrificing thousands of dollars in their marketing budget each year, yet see no tangible improvement in rankings, visibility, or market share.

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Traditional SEO platforms not giving you the insights you need?

SEO tools like Ahrefs and Semrush are great for ranking websites, but they’re not built for local search, let alone managing 100s or 1,000s of locations.

  • Built for ranking websites, not locations

  • Not built to handle 100s of locations

  • You end up paying $$$ for tools you don’t need

Brands come to BrightLocal when it’s time to end guesswork and get serious about local growth

See how every location is performing

Uncover ways to outrank competitors

Manage your brand presence

Share performance with visual reporting

Four reasons brands use BrightLocal

Reason 1: Tracking Performance
Get a bird's-eye view of performance for every location.

Reason 4: Reporting
Showcase ROI and ongoing local performance to key stakeholders.

Without Bl Visual For Brands
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Brands use BrightLocal to get a bird's-eye view of their locations, gain market share in their industries, and hit growth goals

"I was able to achieve a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd position in cities like Leeds and Birmingham with BrightLocal."
Angus Matthew
Group Marketing Manager, Orchard Care Homes
Our Brand Experts Are Black And White Version 1

Our brand experts are here to support you

Whether you need a tailored plan to suit your needs, help migrating your listings, or a hand getting set up—we’re here to support you.

  • Free training for your team
  • Dedicated account manager
  • Live chat support 23 hours a day
  • Personalized demos and walkthroughs
  • Done-for-you listings migration services
  • Partner with a team who’ve spent 10+ years in local

Why do brands choose BrightLocal?


Save time, cut costs, and streamline your processes, with everything your brand needs in one place.


BrightLocal doesn’t box you into one-size-fits-all subscriptions. Pay for what you need with flexible pricing.


BrightLocal is the only solution built specifically for national brands to drive growth from local search.

Book your personalized demo

  • Schedule a call with one of our team so that we can fully understand your business goals.
  • A tailored demo structured around these exact goals and opportunities, delivered by one of our industry experts.
  • Discuss how our technology and services can help you supercharge your local SEO across every location.
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